Please read this article about an important new book by Christopher and Sarah Lubienski, scholars at the University of Illinois.

Their book is The Public School Advantage: Why Public Schools Outperform Private Schools.

The article contains an interview with Christopher Lubienski, in which he explains their “counterintuitive” findings.

Here is a sampling:

IDEAS: The thought of a “public school advantage” seems counterintuitive, and as you mention in the book it was initially a surprise to you, too. What did the data show?

LUBIENSKI: We know that private school students tend to score higher than students in public schools. But we also know that these are different populations, and they have different selection criteria. So we looked at the demographics of the different students in these nationally representative data sets, and we found those demographics more than explain the student achievement patterns….We focused specifically on mathematics, because math achievement is a better reflection of the school effects rather than the other subjects, like reading, which are often reflective of what the students are learning at home….Once we actually delved into those achievement statistics, public schools turned out to be more effective. Public school students are outscoring their demographic counterparts in private schools…at a level that is comparable to a few weeks to several months.

IDEAS: So public school students might be months ahead of their peers. And what about charter schools?

LUBIENSKI: They were already scoring beneath public schools before you control for demographics….But even once you control for those demographics, charter schools were still performing at a level lower than public schools, by as much as several months.

This is a book that Arne Duncan and every state and local superintendent should read.