Republican Governor Eric Greitens was indicted for invasion of privacy.

“Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted and taken into custody Thursday for felony invasion of privacy, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner’s office announced Thursday afternoon…

“Gardner’s statement said a grand jury found probable cause to believe Greitens violated a Missouri statute that makes it a felony if a person transmits the image contained in the photograph or film in a manner that allows access to that image via a computer.

“The indictment apparently stems from allegations made in media reports last month that, during the course of an extramarital affair, he took a photograph of his bound and partially nude lover and threatened to publicize it if she exposed the affair.”

Greitens is of interest on this blog because one of his first actions was to pack the State Board of Education and force the firing of the uncontroversial state commissioner of education. Greitens is a huge supporter of privatization and was planning to replace the Commissioner with a charter lover.

But the governor forgot that his appointees were supposed to be approved by the Legislature and they were not. Consequently, none of his appointees serve legally, and there is no quorum on the state board.

What is not clear is why Greiten’s non-legal Board was allowed to fire the state commissioner.