Arthur Camins writes frequently on education topics. He is Director of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. He taught in elementary schools in Brooklyn and worked in administrative roles in New York City, Massachusetts and Kentucky.


In response to an earlier post today, he writes:


It seems that advocates for dismantling democratically governed public education have successfully claimed and distorted the meaning of the terms previously associated with progressive change. Maybe there is no single word that represents what we stand for. So, I think we need to lead with our values and then talk about what improvement solutions will help realize those values. Resonant values might include equity, empathy, community and democracy. I wrote more about reclaiming the initiative for education improvement in two recent posts for the Answer Sheet on the Washington Post.


My wish for the new year is that we continue to make progress in our reclaiming.
Happy New Year!