What is an “eduttante”?

Here is EduShyster’s definition:

“Eduttante: /ˌedjuˈtänt/
A shill or paid spokesperson advocating strict no-excuses charters for the urban communities in which he or she does not live. Related terms: educolonialist, whiteousness.”

The eduttante raves about the virtues of a strict, military-style school for “other people’s children.”

He or she would never send one’s own child to such a rigid, punitive school.

EduShyster points out that the leading advocate of lifting the cap on charters sends his own child to a private school where there is no standardized testing.

Be sure to read the comment at the end of her post.


PS: Thanks to readers for pointing out that (once again) I forgot the link. Thanks to Jeff Bryant for supplying it.