This teacher wrote a dissent to the letter that caused a ruckus. She wrote it immediately. I posted her dissent. Now she writes again. Will any of the angry homeschooling parents read what she writes? Obviously, they did not read her previous comment defending parents.

The lesson. Be informed. Don’t rush to judgment. Stop, look, and listen.

The letter you posted actually offended me, too.  I didn’t think it was respectful to the disabled children in that teacher’s care, or to their parents.  I tried to reframe the question, but I don’t think anybody can undo the breach of trust when a teacher denounces the families she serves with such contempt.

I know the teachers who took care of my son had to “clean dried feces off his butt.”  I am so thankful that his teacher, Lillian, never flung it at me like that.  She didn’t stay with severely impaired children because she could “do whatever I want”.

I hope the parents who are spitting and cursing understand that most teachers don’t agree with those statements.  I apologize to them.