Ellen Lubic and other education activists have formed a new organization called Joining Forces to help parents fight off corporate takeovers of their public schools. Imagine this: an earnest young man or woman comes to your neighborhood, even rents a house there, and button-holes parents to collect their grievances against the neighborhood school. What about that principal? Is there a teacher you don’t like? Do you need more of this or less of that? Sign here. Sign the petition and we can make them change. One day, if they are successful, you won’t have a neighborhood school. Instead, it will belong to a charter corporation, it will have its own board, and it may kick out your child.

Lubic writes:

“It is called divide and conquer. if parents are kept at bay and do not have a common cause of their neighborhood public school, they are easier to fool, to manage, to usurp…yes a low form of social engineering.

“Anyone who wants to work against Parent Revolution, please contact me at

Joining Forces for Education

“This particularly pernicious form of privatization is spreading like wild fire across the US. We must join together to educate the community about parent trigger laws and how the inner city parents are manipulated to sign phony petitions to essentially give their schools away to free market, for-profit, charters.”