This teacher wrote a comment responding to Kris Neilsen’s explanation of why he could no longer teach in North Carolina. I found her note moving and sad. What are state legislatures doing to their teachers? Why do they think they will get better schools by demoralizing teachers? Why is the U.S. Department of Education encouraging this punitive behavior through its Race to the Top program?

I teach in Ohio and although we are allowed to strike, things aren’t different here. We are all tired and run down. I work in a high needs district, where nearly 80% of the kids are on free or reduced lunch and we haven’t met the state”s standards on state testing, and the state is In our district telling us if we don’t do better this year then they will take over. I am 8 years in and scared I can’t do this the rest of my life. Thank you for doing what I am not brave enough to do.