I posted earlier about a charter leader who was accused of orchestrating cheating, was fired, and was given a $245,000 settlement.

The whole sordid mess associated with Crescendo Charter Schools in Los Angeles might never have come to light were it not for teachers who were whistle-blowers.

Robert Skeels tells the story here.

Without tenure, without the protection of a union, whistleblowers get fired or never surface to blow the whistle.

Part of the faculty at the charter chain belonged to the United Teachers of Los Angeles.

They blew the whistle on a corporate culture that condoned cheating.

They thought it was wrong.

Imagine that. They thought it was wrong to give students the answers to the questions.

It was alleged that the founder of the chain ordered principals to break the seals on the standardized tests and direct teachers to teach the tests, all to get higher scores and create the illusion of miracle schools.

That is the route to fame and fortune.

But it wasn’t because there were whistleblowers.

The whole chain was shut down.

Deregulation has its perils.