Good luck to the parent who wrote to say that she is opting her children out of the standardized testing. More such courage and the reign of error will collapse.

I’m a parent. I will inform the Pittsburgh Public School Board at a Public Hearing tonight of my intention to exercise my right to OPT my children OUT. I will let them know that I refuse to stand by and watch diminished funds spent on more standardized testing (Pittsburgh Public Schools has added standardized tests for students this year) while student creativity, innovation, excitement for school, and excitement for learning disappears.

I will tell them that my second grade son’s teacher stopped me in the hall last week to tell me how my son has positively contributed to classroom discussions because of his enthusiasm, imagination and creative thinking skills. Thank goodness for teachers like her that understand this account of my child’s progress is more important than the ‘B’ he received on the latest unit assessment.

I’ll ask the Board to work with parents, community members, and teachers to take a stand against poor educational policy (like high-stakes testing).

Wish me luck!