On this blog, I have been consistent about my views on the war in the Middle East. I want peace between Israelis and Arabs. I want an end to the war. I deplored the atrocities of October 7. I understand Israelis’ desire for vengeance but I thought the invasion of Gaza was a horrible idea. It was certain to cause massive death and destruction, and it has. I wrote a post calling Netanyahu a “maniac” for launching a counter-offensive that turns Israel into an international pariah while destroying the lives of thousands of innocent people. I oppose the human and physical devastation that Israel has inflicted on Gaza, and I oppose Hamas’ irredentist fantasy of eliminating Israel.

I long for the day when Palestinian leaders accept the reality of Israel and agree to make peace and share the benefits of peace. I want a two-state solution. But Hamas’ leaders have predicted that the horrors of October 7 will happen again and again. Hamas has never accepted Israel’s right to exist, and that position guarantees perpetual war. This is not the road to negotiations or peace.

Peace is impossible until wiser heads prevail in the Arab and Muslim world and agree that Israel is a reality and will not go away. Never. Once they do that, negotiations are possible. Peace is possible. A shared future of prosperity is possible.

“From the river to the sea” presumes that Israel will disappear. That won’t happen. “From the river to the sea” should imply two states—a Jewish state and a Palestinian state. That’s the only way to break the cycle of unending war. Not by conquest. Not by killing. But by negotiations.

Bill Maher says as much in this monologue.