Last Tuesday I flew from Florida to D.C. I spent Tuesday afternoon speaking to about 200 staff and friends of the AFT at its headquarters on New Jersey Avenue.

Randi Weingarten introduced me and she was gracious and eloquent. We had a conversation and I took questions. I’m convinced that unions are a vital part of our democracy, and the same people who want to eliminate public schools also want to eliminate unions.

On Wednesday morning I stopped by Lamar Alexander’s office and dropped off a book. We had made an appointment but he canceled, due to the impeachment. I had dreamed of being the one who changed his mind, who reminded him of his integrity and decency, but I never got the chance. I’m deeply disappointed in his incoherent position that Trump is guilty as charged but pressuring a foreign ally to dig up dirt on your political opponent (and withholding $400 million) is not impeachable.

Then I dropped a book off at the offices of Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a great champion of public education and labor.

Then a brown bag lunch with staff at the NEA. I told them I hope every teacher reads the book. We had a great exchange.

Wednesday night I spoke at the Politics & Prose bookstore, where the room was packed. Lots of old friends from my time in DC. Delighted to see Valerie Strauss.

Thursday morning I took a train to NYC. On Friday I did a podcast with Mike Pesca of SLATE. I want feeling well, and we had to stop the taping while I coughed.

On Saturday I was able to see my physician and she put me on antibiotics and told me to stay in bed and drink a lot of fluids.

It’s Sunday night. I feel better but still not 100%.

i leave for Seattle early Monday morning. I will be speaking at Town Hall on February 4, with the help of the brilliant Jesse Hagopian.

Then on to San Francisco. I will be at Kepler Bookstore in Menlo Park on Feb 6.

On February 7, if I still have a voice, I will be at Lowell High School, sponsored by United Educators of San Francisco.

I hope I feel better. I’m excited to see old friends and meet new ones who share the mission of fighting for better public schools.

I saw a wonderful quote today by Scott Maxwell, an editorial writer at the s Orlando Sentinel. He wrote (and I paraphrase): “Berate the public schools if you must, but no public school student ever found out in the middle of the year that his school just closed down.” I tweeted it.