Frustrated by years of budget cuts and stagnant wages, thousands of teachers in Oklahoma walked out and joined the protest in the State Capitol.

A Facebook group formed overnight to start the revolt. In one day, it picked up 21,000 members

It went from one 25-year-old teacher to 70,000 people in three weeks. Margaret Mead said that a small group of thoughtful, dedicated people could change the world. It is happening in Oklahoma and Kentucky.

State legislators pride themselves on low taxes, especially on oil and gas production. They do not pride themselves on paying teachers a living wage.

It takes a 3/4 legislative majority to raise taxes.

Students are just as angry as teachers. They are being teachers. In one school, they cancel sports games because the roof leaks in the gym.

Thousands of teachers in Kentucky walked out and joined the protest in the State Capitol. 

What kind of a country is this anyway? Billionaires want lower taxes and don’t care about the future of our nation.

Oklahoma teachers: Stay strong. We are with you!

Kentucky teachers: Stay strong. We are with you!

Remember in November who stood with you!