Bill Gates, Arne Duncan, President Obama,  and others who promoted the “Common Core State Standards” like to say that they were developed by the states, by governors, by teachers, by people at the grassroots.

Not so.

This article by Lyndsey Layton in the Washington Post explains that Bill Gates financed the CC from start to finish.

It was, as she writes, “a swift revolution,” though some might say a coup.

Gates put up an unknown huge sum. Some say $200 million, others think the total might be as much as $2 billion.

Two points need to be considered.

One, Gates and others wrongly assumed that the biggest problem in American education was its variation, its diversity, its lack of uniformity. Gates made several speeches about the need for uniform standards, comparing them to standards for electricity, allowing anyone to plug in an appliance anywhere. It never occurred to him that children are not toasters and teachers are not merely deliverers of content. He seemed to completely ignore the close correlation between family income and academic performance.

Two, the Common zcore Standards moved so rapidly that they became toxic. Trump ran against them, though he probably didn’t know what they were. In a few years, they will be forgotten, obsolete. Standards for electricity may be national and stable. Teaching and learning are dynamic, dependent on the social conditions of families and children, as well as changing knowledge of teaching and learning.

All that money down the drain.