Betsy DeVos visited Douglas County before the recent election. She came, as expected, to promote vouchers. She met with a couple who had taken their child out of public school and placed him in a school for autistic children, where he is happy.

DeVos saluted their courage in seeking a different placement for their child.

But the parents are not pleased to be used as Betsy DeVos’ poster family for vouchers.

As Chalkbeat reported, the parents said they did not get a voucher for their child. The voucher would not have been much help for them. The school he attends costs $70,000 a year. The voucher, if it existed, would be worth $5,000.

“DeVos’s public words were particularly hard to take, Jennifer and Joe said, because they had met with the education secretary privately at her request. They were flattered by her interest, but felt she didn’t understand why private school vouchers would never work for them — or many other families who have children with disabilities.

“First, the dollar amount of most voucher programs is paltry compared to what it costs to pay for specialized private schools like Firefly. Tuition there is more than $70,000 a year.

“Say, there was a voucher system in place and let’s pick $5,000.” Jennifer said. “That’s not enough for placement at Firefly. It doesn’t do anything.”

“Jennifer and Joe, who own a company that sells industrial equipment, pay around half of Firefly’s tuition and their health insurance pays the rest, they said.”

With the sweeping victory of an anti-voucher slate in Douglas County, there won’t be any vouchers for the foreseeable future.