I think so.

It is located in Mike Pence’s Indiana.

It operates for profit.

It has a high school graduation rate of less than 10%.

It recruits and markets heavily to lure students.

It has 5,000 students.

There is one teacher for every 222 students.

The owner pockets millions of dollars in taxpayer money.

It is an online charter, a cybercharter, a virtual charter.

It is called the Indiana Virtual School.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos wants many more schools like this.

“Thomas Stoughton founded the school in 2011, taking advantage of a new law allowing Indiana charter schools to serve students exclusively over the internet, rather than in brick-and-mortar buildings.

“In recent years, students have signed up in droves, responding to social media advertising campaigns. The school they end up attending differs widely from other online charter schools emerging across the country, with far fewer teachers per student — 1 for every 222 students last school year, according to state data — and fewer students taking and passing state exams.

“As enrollment at Indiana Virtual School ballooned, so did the school’s state funding, which is distributed on a per-student basis. Some of that money has gone to AlphaCom Inc., a for-profit company also founded and led until 2016 by Stoughton. Since 2011, AlphaCom has held multiple contracts with Indiana Virtual School totaling about $6 million to provide management services and office space. A company run by Stoughton’s son also held a contract with the school.”

The school apparently has no oversight, no supervision.

Kudos to Shaina Cavazos of Chalkbeat for this terrific investigative reporting!

Free public money! Come and get it! Get rich quick on the taxpayer’s dimes and dollars!

NOTE: The Name of the institution is the Indiana Virtual School, a Charter School, NOT THE INDIANA VIRTUAL ACADEMY, which is run by public school superintendents as a nonprofit.