The Network for Public Education commissioned a series of short video clips to explain the issues in education today. The filmmaker is professional filmmaker Michael Elliot, who is a parent of children in the New York City public schools.

NPE is fighting for the future and the very existence of public education. We oppose the relentless attacks on public schools, teachers, and the teaching profession by unaccountable billionaires, entrepreneurs, and public officials like Betsy DeVos. We oppose the status quo, in which privatization is offered as the remedy for inequitably funded public schools.

We believe in the importance of democratically controlled, adequately resourced public schools staffed by professional educators. Good public schools are essential to democracy. We want to improve them, strengthen then, make them better for every child.

This short clip, in which I am the speaker, is the first of a series of eight, each addressing different reasons to fight for our schools.

The audience consists of parents, educators, and other citizens. It was filmed in a warehouse in Brooklyn.

We want our message to reach the largest possible public. Please put it on Facebook, tweet it, share it with your friends and family.