During the night, I thought about the presidents in office during my lifetime. As a little girl, I recall sitting by the family radio and listening to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who spoke eloquently of our ideals and values as our troops fought around the globe in World War II. Then there was scrappy Harry S Truman, who protected struggling labor unions and pressed legislation to advance better living conditions. Then Dwight D. Eisenhower, not eloquent but a hero, who ultimately sent federal troops to Little Rock to safeguard the black children integrating the schools. Then John F. Kennedy, whom I met a few times, a man who understood the power of language to lift our spirits. You can pick it up from that point. Even the much-vilified Richard Nixon opened relations with China, launched affirmative action, and created the Environmental Protection Agency.

All my life, until now, our nation has had presidents who understood the enormity of the position and reached for ideals greater than themselves.

Until now. Now we have a loathsome little man called 45 who stands for nothing more than self-aggrandizement. His political ideas, such as they are, are rank and low: disparaging our allies, excusing and encouraging racists and white nationalists, “America First” isolationism, selfishness as policy. He is utterly lacking in humility, curiosity, intellect, and compassion. He cannot inspire because he has no ideals. He is all ego. He still hopes to lock up his political opponent. His instincts are base.

A terrific article by John Harwood of CNBC about Trump and the Republican Party. They know he is not a Republican. He is not a conservative. He is a Trumpist. He believes in himself and only himself. The world revolves around him.

Will they denounce him? John McCain, Cory Gardner, and Orin Hatch made strong statements about the Nazis and terrorists in Charlottesville. Who will follow?

Trump is on track to destroy the Republican party, which used to have a core of principled conservatism. No longer. Now it exists solely to carry out the wishes of Trump and the Koch brothers, to smash healthcare, to lower corporate taxes, to remove any safety net. What do they stand for? In the age of Trump, nothing.

Will they find their soul? Or is it too late? Did they exchange it for power? With a bumbling, ignorant “leader” like Trump, the party has thus far been unable to turn their dominance into accomplishment. Given their Trumpian agenda, that’s a good thing.