This reader, Timothy Quinn, received an advanced reading copy (ARC) of my book. Here is his review, proving the power of social media:

“I’ve had the privilege of reading an ARC of “Reign of Error.” It is an important book for anyone interested in preserving what’s left of our democracy. I’m president of my local board of education and the ARC is making the rounds among my colleagues. I look forward to meeting you when you visit our town in November. A lot of suburban districts feel insulated from the privatization movement, but we’ve seen firsthand how even independent suburban charters are an inefficient use of tightly-capped public resources that benefit a few while not reflecting diverse learning populations. We dodged the bullet of a language-immersion charter and sued the commissioner of education to prevent a circumventing of charter rules to approve virtual charters. The threat to EVERYONE is very real, which makes “Reign” required reading even for those happy with their schools in communities that are willing to fund open public education. We must remain vigilant.”