Long Island’s Newsday has a story about growing interest by parents in opting out of state testing.

It says that the terrible scores will increase the number of parents who don’t let the schools test their children.

William Johnson, the superintendent of Rockville Center district, says the scores are essentially useless.

They dropped so far for so many students that he can’t make any sense of them.

Meanwhile a spokesman for the New York State Education Department expresses surprise that some parents will not care to find out whether their children are on a path to being “college and career ready.”

I read that line and I thought about my grandson, now entering second grade.

I hope his parents opt him out next year. He will be 8. I don’t care if he is college-ready. Neither do they.

He is a great little guy.

So far, he loves school.

The state should keep its hands off him and let him learn with the natural joy that he brings to everything he does.

We have reached a point where it is time to say no. And mean it.