The New York Times’ lead editorial on February 19 was a slashing critique of online colleges.

The editorial ripped apart the hype and spin about these colleges.

Their attrition rates are 90%. And, “courses delivered solely online may be fine for highly skilled, highly motivated people, but they are inappropriate for struggling students who make up a significant portion of college enrollment and who need close contact with instructors to succeed.”

Furthermore, research shows the high failure rates at these cyber-institutions:

“The research has shown over and over again that community college students who enroll in online courses are significantly more likely to fail or withdraw than those in traditional classes, which means that they spend hard-earned tuition dollars and get nothing in return. Worse still, low-performing students who may be just barely hanging on in traditional classes tend to fall even further behind in online courses.”

If the online colleges are such a bad deal for adults, think how awful cyber-charters are for children. Children need human contact, not just bells and whistles or a disembodied voice.