Here are some suggested readings from the BATS:


Here are some pieces you can read about DeVos. She is NO friend to public education and has been attacking public education in Michigan for over a decade.


Here is what the teachers of Michigan say:


Chalkbeat reports what you should know about DeVos:


Common Dreams


We cannot retreat in despair. DeVos as Secretary of Education is NOT good news for public education but we must show the children and their families that we will fight for them. In the weeks to come the BATs Board of Directors will be in discussions about how we continue and amp up our fight to save public education and to create strong sustainable public schools for all children. We cannot fight without your support. So, please consider donating to BATs at our website – you can give a one-time donation or become a $10 a month subscriber. We need YOU to help US fight for public education.


In Solidarity,



The BATs Board of Directors