Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal signed the agreement to adopt Common Core.


But when Common Core turned toxic among conservative voters, Jindal declared he would pull his state out of Common Core and the federal test.


State Commissioner of Education John White–who supports vouchers, charters, and Common Core– refused to go along. He and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education said they were sticking with Common Core. Jindal appointed most of the BESE members and urged them to appoint White.


BESE and White threatened to sue Jindal. But they need the Governor’s permission to sue the Governor.


Governor Jindal announced today that he would not permit BESE to hire outside lawyers to sue him. 


Jindal previously announced that he would not permit PARCC to be used as the state test because there was no proper procurement procedure used to contract for the test.


Teachers and schools are caught in the middle. They don’t know what test will be the state test this coming school year.


Guess they will just have to teach whatever they think they should teach. They won’t know what test to teach to.