When State Commissioner John King released the teacher ratings, he said that teachers should be relieved because only 1% were found to be “ineffective.” The implication: You have nothing to worry about; you won’t lose your job based on my untested evaluation system.

Some reacted by wondering why the state had spent hundreds of millions of dollars to determine that only 1% of teachers were ineffective; principals were furious about the mountain of paperwork they had waded through to prove what they already knew.

But this teacher had a word of advice for Commissioner King:

“This just shows how out of touch John King is. He says these numbers should ease teachers concerns because the ratings aren’t bad. This is an insult! Teachers aren’t criticizing this dumb evaluation system based on test scores because they are selfishly concerned about their ratings. Teachers are concerned because the over emphasis on test scores will lead to less effective teaching, squash creativity, narrow the curriculum, suck the enjoyment out of learning and on and on… Maybe King lives his life simply worrying about himself but most teachers are driven by a desire to help their students grow as people. He just doesn’t get it!”