New York Commissioner John King thought it would be a good idea to hold a series of town halls with parent groups around the state.

No doubt he expected to be showered with praise for his leadership in quickly implementing the Common Core.

He was in for a big surprise. He was met with outrage by parents who do not like the Common Core, hate the testing, and despise the State Education Department for imposing it on their children and teachers.

The parents booed and jeered. They ridiculed everything the commissioner said.

Anthony Cody has some of the video here; parents have sent me many more. They all show the same spectacle: the state commissioner as the object of angry parents.

Commissioner King has canceled all future public meetings with parent associations.

Did he learn anything? Will he reconsider the course that the state has embarked upon?

Don’t count on it.

The authoritarian mindset is impervious to change.

Lesson: in a democratic society, there are no shortcuts to the democratic process. This is supposed to be a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Bill Gates and Arne Duncan do not own our minds or our children. They are not for sale. The public will be heard.