We know a few things for sure about Eva Moskowitz’s NYC charter schools.

We know they have very high test scores.

We know that the Broad Foundation was so impressed by the test scores that it awarded the charter chain $5 million to expand.

We know that the chain wants to expand to 100 schools in the next decade.

Now we know something else, something that had long been suspected. Success Academy uses its strict disciplinary code to push out students with special needs. We know because a parent taped the conversation and gave it to reporters at the Néw York Daily News.

“There was a point when I was getting a call every day for every minor thing,” Zapata said. “They would say he was crying excessively, or not looking straight forward, or throwing a tantrum, or not walking up the stairs fast enough, or had pushed another kid.”

“What school officials did not do, Zapata said, was provide the kind of special education services that her son’s individual educational plan, or IEP, requires.”

The publisher of the Daily News is vociferously pro-charter, as is the editorial board. The reporters play it straight Nd report the news.