In this post that appeared on Valerie Strauss’ “Answer Sheet” at the Washington Post, David Lee Finkle takes on what passes for education “reform” these days.

Finkle is a cartoonist and middle school teacher in Florida.

Finkle takes on the myth that American schools are failing and points out that they are far more rigorous than ever.

The federal government’s obsession with test scores is not improving education. To the contrary, it is ruining real education and demoralizing teachers.

He concludes:

“We have a choice in this country. Keep listening to the story told by the “reformers” and end up with test-score mills even worse than the ones we have now, or listen to teachers who want a public education system that isn’t an industrial factory spitting out test takers but that offers schools that are places for deep thinking, learning, creativity, play, wonder, engagement, hard work, and intense fun.”

Which will it be?

You decide.