A teacher offers this advice to other teachers:

“Okay, the reality of the situation is a once slow suffocation. The people in power want public education to wither and limp along on life support. This will help further marginalize minorities and low-income families, so the power base has little to no competition politically, economically, or socially. Public education in the USA enabled a post-WWII country to prosper and reach heights that were unimaginable just a decade earlier. If one follows the money trail in public education he or she will find that faltering school systems are locked into contracts with educational corporations that force them to adhere to and use antiquated educational programming that lobbying and politicians signed onto.

“The solution: do what’s right regardless of what the board of ed, the superintendent, or your principal says. As a public educator I have to make this decision on a daily basis. This also means I need to keep my own data on student growth, so I can defend my practices and live the life I believe was intended for me.”