The Chalkface blog says that we have had a steady diet of “miracles” for at least the past dozen years, starting with the “Texas miracle.”

He calls this Voodoo Education Reform.

I tend to see the ideas of the past dozen years as Zombie Education Reform.

I use the term to refer to policies that have no evidence to support them, that fail and fail again and again, but that are imposed repeatedly by powerful people, despite their failure.

Merit pay is a Zombie Reform.

Evaluating teachers by student test scores is a Zombie Reform.

Privatizing public education for fun and profit is a Zombie Reform.

Hiring inexperienced and uncertified teachers for the children with the greatest needs is a Zombie Reform.

Closing public schools and calling it “reform” is a Zombie Reform.

Putting a single letter grade on a complex institution like a school is a Zombie Reform.

Giving academic tests to pre-school children is a Zombie Reform.

We live in an age where zombies run our nation’s education policy.