A new report from CReATE, an organization of education researchers in Chicago, says that the Chicago Public Schools dramatically underestimated the number of children who will be affected by the mass elimination of public schools in that city.

No one will ever accuse CPS of undue compassion, concern, or attention to the city’s neediest children. As their legacy, they will be remembered for their cold and ruthless indifference to the children who are most at risk.

Please read the CReATE report:

“CReATE Researchers on Impact of Proposed School Closing”

CReATE researchers Josh Radinsky and Federico Waitoller (University of Illinois-Chicago) have prepared a report that details the impacts of the proposed school closings in Chicago in terms of student relocation and faculty dismissal. These researchers find that CPS statements on this matter greatly underestimate the scale of the impact. One of the stunning facts this report reveals is that the number of African American elementary students to be impacted by these actions (34,946, elementary only, not counting the 8 high schools) represents over 27% of all African American children between the ages of 5 and 14 living in the City of Chicago.

The report on the Impact of Proposed School Closings is available at http://tinyurl.com/d86lzdx.

Dr. Josh Radinsky josh.radinsky@gmail.com
Dr. Federico Waitoller fwaitoll@uic.edu