A reader offers these comments:

“Teachers are ‘free’ to teach ‘personally’ “… that is if we and our kids are willing to sell their identity for products and to data consolidators.

We need to stop web-based education. Period. Dangerous stuff. Incorrect and manipulated numbers that will cause kids to fail, teachers to be fired, schools to close, communities to wither…

Financial and societal costs that we can’t begin to imagine.

I am reading a book titled “I Know Who You Are And I Saw What You Did; Social Networks and the Death of Privacy.” Commercial enterprises are all looking for data to mine and sell–even if it has nothing to do with their so-called product.

For example, MyEdu (a virtual counselor for higher education) claims to help the student “Manage college. Get your degree faster.
Land the perfect job or internship. It’s FREE! forever!)

Check out their privacy policy. https://www.myedu.com/about/myedu/privacy/

It doesn’t matter that their claims selling their education snake oil would never be brought to a court of law. Heck! That’s corporate free speech to hawk garbage and make claims…

Margaret Spellings (former US Secretary of Education and now on MyEdu’s Board was right when she said,“It’s a gold mine of data.”


All the data can be sold to data consolidators like, Aexiom (described by former CEO John Meyer as “the biggest company you have never heard of”) and LexisNexis (which bought competitor ChoicePoint for $4.1 billion in cash).

We have electronic avatars that negatively impact our real selves. Spokeo is a website that is loaded with errors that employers and potential landlords use.

While the internet seemed like the perfect tool for democracy, Eli Pariser (“The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You”) wrote, “Personalization has given us something very different: a public sphere sorted and manipulated by algorithms, fragmented by design, and hostile to dialogue.”

Great to know this website exists! Blogs and News on Data Mining, Web Mining and Text Mining

From this link, I see a new one posted on JAN 10, 2013.
Smart TV and Data Mining “data mining coming to our home…” http://www.aboutdm.com