New York officials are warning parents and the public to be prepared for a big drop in the proportion of students who are proficient on new tests aligned with the Common Core.

The English language arts tests contain vocabulary that most children are not likely to know and the math tests contain concepts that may not have been taught.

Members of the Board of Regents express concern that neither students nor teachers are prepared for the tests or the standards. Some worry that the tests will have a devastating effect in schools that enroll poor and minority students.

The linked article gives examples of test questions.

When Common Core Test results were recently released in Kentucky, passing rates fell and the gaps widened.

I am reminded of Rick Hess’s recent article in which he said that reformers are hoping that the terrible results of the Common Core tests will persuade suburban parents that their schools are awful. They too will then clamor for charters and vouchers.

Read this article about the widespread drop in passing rates that is expected across the nation, and pay attention to Jeb Bush’s gleeful anticipation. Now, former Governor Bush is described as an “education expert,” although most of his time is spent selling technology and privatization. The collapse of test scores and passing rates is good news for his business and his ideology.