From a reader in Michigan:

A Message to all Supporters of Democracy

The people of 77 the 83 counties in Michigan voted successfully to repeal Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law. Governor Rick Snyder and the extremist-controlled Michigan legislature are now attempting to circumvent the will of the people by passing new legislation that is every bit as unconstitutional, anti-democratic and vile as the law the people have just rejected. The proposed bill, HB 6004 “Educational Achievement Authority”, violates our State Constitution and will substitute unelected bureaucrats with dictatorial powers for local, duly elected representatives of the people. Tell Governor Snyder and the Michigan Legislature to vote no on any legislation that attempts to circumvent the will of citizens who voted to repeal PA 4, the Emergency Manager Law.
That’s why I created a petition to The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Rick Snyder.
Will you sign this petition? Click here:
Please forward this to your email address contacts and add to your Facebook page. It is important that this petition be circulated ASAP as the Michigan legislature is currently holding hearings on HB 6004. We have had over 1300 citizens add their names so far, but we need thousands of signers to sufficiently represent and reiterate the will of Michigan’s citizens.

Thanks for all you do.