Residents of Bridgeport, CT, will soon vote in an election for members of their school board.

For reasons to complicated to get into here, the previous unelected school board was declared illegal by the state’s highest court, which ordered a new election.

If you read Jonathan Pelto’s blog, you will get the full story of how an illegal board was put in charge of the district, hired Paul Vallas to be a superintendent for $229k a year at the same time that he runs a consulting business on the side.

Now as the election approaches, one of the members of the illegal board is running for the elected. Although he is a Democrat, he declares that he favors vouchers, which is a historic Republican plank. He favors vouchers even though the money to fund them will decrease the funding of the public schools he want to oversee.

This election will test the residents of Bridgeport. That is, unless the electoral process is not corrupted by an infusion of big money from the Wall Street hedge fund managers who seem to grow on trees in places like Darien, New Canaan, and Greenwich.