A reader comments on previous posts (see here and here) about Governor Corbett’s appointment of a voucher advocate to be the “chief recovery officer” for financially stressed Chester Upland, Pennsylvania. This is a district that allocates 1/3 of its scarce budget to a for-profit charter school that pays its owner a management fee of $16 million. Oh, and one other thing: First Lady Michelle Obama invited a teacher from Chester Upland to sit with her during the State of the Union Address earlier this year, presumably to acknowledge the staff’s decision to work without salaries while the district was in deep trouble.

Thanks for bringing the Chester Upland, Pennyslvania scandal to national attention. It is not accidental that this is happening in the poorest school district in the state, with the highest African American percentage in the state, with the worst test results of any district in the state, and where there has been an elected school board in control only two out of the last 18 years. Pity the children.