A reader (who is not a teacher) describes the setting for the referendum this fall in Washington State that would introduce charter schools and a parent trigger into the state for the first time. An earlier post pointed out that the referendum–known as I-1240–is funded by Bill Gates and other super-rich high-tech entrepreneurs.

We’ll speak loudly and often. I promise. This is just the beginning.

BUT, we also need our teachers to stop being so quiet, so defensive, so intimidated. It’s a self-fullfilling prophecy when that happens. 

The I-1240 folks are the ones who need to be on the defensive! The Privatizers are the ones who are afraid to say anything in public, knowing that the truth will sink their ship. The billionaire funders—NONE of whom have children in public schools—think they can fund these ersatz “education” groups like LEV, DFER, SFC, SF…(they’re ALL vile and funded by the same fronts)—and then sit back and just pull the puppet strings.

Do the 1% know best? Should the people who never have to choose between mortgage payments and utility bills be telling US what is best for our schools and our children?

This is NOT a battle between “reformers” and the “status quo”. Nor is it a battle between “teachers unions” and “taxpayers”.

It IS a battle between Citizens (both parents and non-parents) and Privatizers. Citizens want free and universal education for all children; privatizers want “charter” schools for some and “public” schools for everyone else who they deem “unworthy”. But the one thing all schools will have in common, if the Privatizers succeed with their awful plans—is private ownership and management, with fat profits, coming directly out of our education dollars.