Ralph Ratto, the author of the blog admonishing Campbell Brown for her unfortunate and ill-informed editorial in the Wall Street Journal has advice for other teachers:

These are trying times for those of us who love teaching. I refuse to sit back as we get pummeled in the media and on political platforms. We need to answer every accusation using every tool at our disposal. Those on the other side will stop at nothing to steal away our precious resources. We’re seeing that first hand with Student First’s underhanded methods.

I only wish, more of us would flood every social media site with responses every time any of us are unjustly attacked. We need to drive the discussion not respond defensively.

Good advice. If all the corporate reformers in the entire nation gathered in one place, they might fill a convention center. Maybe there are 20,000 of them. Maybe fewer.

There are more than 3 million teachers. Tell your story. Support your brothers and sisters. Speak out in every forum. Don’t let the ignorant and uninformed and self-interested destroy your profession or our public schools.