Dana Milbank in the Washington Post captures the strange upside-down distortion of facts and evidence that characterized the Republican side of the debate. Not a single Republican was willing to question Trump’s efforts to entice a foreign nation to dig up dirt on a political rival. None thought it was unsavory, atrocious, intolerable. What if Obama has done the same thing? They would have been howling for his impeachment. Instead, all spoke of Trump as if he were a deity who walks among us.

Looking at the complete subjugation of the a Republican Party, Milbank declares a victory for Trumpism. I disagree. Trump has totally subjugated the Republican Party to his will, but the American people will decide next November whether he has won. A victory for Trump in November is a victory for racism, misogyny, xenophobia, climate change denial, greed, and isolationism. It could happen. But we must work to make sure that it doesn’t.


Milbank wrote:

For only the third time in history, the House of Representatives on Wednesday night dealt a president the greatest punishment in its constitutional arsenal. The stain of impeachment will follow Donald Trump to his grave and be noted long after he’s gone.

But in one sense, Trump won.

Wednesday’s 10-hour impeachment debate on the House floor and the party-line vote that followed proved that Trump’s multiyear campaign against the truth — 15,000 lies and counting — has succeeded. Republicans, united, didn’t spend much time defending Trump on the (unfavorable) merits. Instead, in an appalling spectacle of mass projection, they took turns accusing Democrats of the very offenses Trump committed — with Trumpian language and disregard for reality.

Democrats are the ones, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) said, who committed a “stunning abuse of power.” Democrats are the ones, Rep. Tom Rice (R-S.C.) said, who “colluded with Russia and Ukraine.” Democrats are the ones, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said, who engaged in “the largest and most massive coverup of such a list of crimes against our country.” Democrats are the ones, Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said, who committed an “assault on the Constitution.” Democrats are the ones, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) said, who are “interfering in America’s election.” Democrats are the ones, Rep. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) said, who “have dangerously shattered precedents.”

It was as though Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson had taken over the House floor. Even during the most solemn constitutional ritual, Republicans were auditioning for an audience of one — and outbidding each other with conspiracy theories in hopes of scoring a favorable tweet from the boss.

Republicans on the floor applauded.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) accused Democrats of pursuing impeachment to conceal “Ukraine’s interference into the U.S. election in 2016” — earning Gohmert a rebukefrom Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) for spouting this false Russian propaganda.

It was all a triumph for alternative facts, for Russian dezinformatsiya, for Fox News and for social media toxicity.

The losers aren’t the Democrats — the public remains as split as before — but democracy. Just as after the Mueller report, Trump will only grow more emboldened in breaking the legal constraints on his presidency.

Trump, and Republicans, succeeded in making impeachment just another political fight. (“They don’t just hate Donald Trump, they hate the 63 million Americans who voted for this president.”) As such, Wednesday felt oddly routine at the Capitol. Only a few dozen lawmakers watched most of the debate. Outside, a few hundred rallied for impeachment; a lone figure dressed as Santa Claus rallied against. There was little of the fire that greeted Obamacare’s passage in 2010.

To look down from the gallery was to see a House divided: almost all white men on the Republican side, a mosaic of color and gender on the Democratic side. Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.), forced to leave the GOP because he supported impeachment, sat with the Democrats; Rep. Jeff Van Drew (N.J.), about to leave the Democratic Party because he opposes impeachment, hobnobbed on the Republican side with new colleague Steve King.

The Rev. Patrick Conroy, the House chaplain, prayed for “wisdom and discernment.” But it wasn’t to be found. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) compared Democrats unfavorably to Pontius Pilate. Rep. Fred Keller (R-Pa.) likened Democrats to those who killed Jesus (“they know not what they do”). Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) likened impeachment to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) repeated the same misquote of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — three times.

Democrats, in response, kept repeating the evidence. “The president withheld congressionally approved military aid to a country under siege to extract a personal political favor. That’s a cold hard fact,” said Rep. Jim McGovern (Mass.).

But Republicans met hard facts with protests (they began by forcing a vote to adjourn and ended by refusing to use their electronic voting cards), intermittent and then frequent heckling, booing and jeering, maligning of Democrats’ motives, demands for Adam Schiff’s indictment and Pelosi’s expulsion, and hours of Trumpian insults directed at Democrats: Phony. Fraudulent. Socialist. Stalinist. McCarthy(ism). Sham. Witch-hunt. Coup. Kangaroo court. Joke. Rigged. Hoax. Charade. Circus. Stunt. Lies. Corruption. Swamp creatures. Star chamber. Illegal. Illegitimate. Hit job. Delusional. Elitists. Total Schiff show! READ THE TRANSCRIPT!!!

And Trump chimed in on Twitter with more of the same — “ATROCIOUS LIES . . . ASSAULT ON AMERICA” — before heading to a campaign rally.

History will note that at 8:42 Wednesday evening, the People’s House impeached Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors. The punishment was necessary and just. But though Trump stands rebuked, the Republicans’ ugly defense of an unrepentant offender shows that Trumpism has prevailed