Bill Phillis, former State Deputy Superintendent, watches over school spending and misspending in Ohio, in hopes that one day there will be equitable and adequate funding of public schools, instead of the current regime of school choice, waste, fraud, and abuse.


School Bus
Richard Allen Academy charter school audit cites fraud
The state audit cited illegal payments to board members and the treasurer, nepotism, failure to withdraw students, discrepancy between employee contributions to the pension systems and the amount the charter school paid to the pension systems. In addition, the audit indicates school and management company funds were comingled by which the company benefited at the expense of the charter schools. The charter school seems to benefit adults, not students.
The practice of charter companies benefiting at the expense of the charter school students is commonplace in the charter industry. Hopefully, in future audits, the State Auditor will take on the big boys in the charter industry.
Charter chains typically establish companies that provide consultant services, facilities and other services that charge the charter school outrageous rates. These schemes, of course, enrich the charter functionaries resulting in less educational opportunities for students.
William L. Phillis | Ohio Coalition for Equity & Adequacy of School Funding ||
School Bus