The Network for Public Education Action Fund endorses Tony Evers, currently Wisconsin’s superintendent of schools, for Governor! Voters must kick Scott Walker out. He is an enemy of public schools and public universities and academic freedom. He was and is a puppet of the Koch brothers. Vote for Tony Evers on November 6. Restore the Wisconsin Idea!

​The Network for Public Education Action enthusiastically endorses Tony Evers for Governor of Wisconsin. Tony is running against Governor Scott Walker who has aggressively attacked public education through defunding public schools, attacking teachers and their collective bargaining rights, and pushing voucher programs and charter schools.
Among the 50 states and Washington D.C, Wisconsin was ranked 44 out of 51 on the Network for Public Education’s and the Schott Foundation’s Privatization Report Card. It was ranked the worst in the nation for its charter school policies. Wisconsin’s dismal score is the result of the state’s expansion of privatization, dilution of student civil rights, and the lack of transparency and accountability for charters and vouchers. Walker is responsible, along with a compliant legislature, for Wisconsin’s shockingly low rating.
Tony Evers, in contrast, has focused on educational improvement during his tenure as State Superintendent of Schools. He has proposed full funding of 4-year-old kindergarten and what he calls a “transformational budget.” Voucher supporters view him as a threat because he has asked for much needed reforms.
Here is what Evers has to say:

“No more false choices. There’s a better way, and that is the high road…. We need to prioritize mental health, we need to shatter the decade-long freeze on special education funding, we need to reform our broken school funding system, and we need to restore and expand crucial student support services.”

Although we do not agree with Ever’s support for charter schools, he is clearly the better choice this election. Please vote for Tony Evers for Governor on November 6.