TrustED, a new education “news hub,” listed me as one of its 20 “thought leaders” (a term I have never liked) for 2017. I am grateful for the recognition. However, I mistakenly confused TrustED with Education Trust, a Gates-funded organization known for its devout support for high-stakes testing and its belief that standards and tests are the best path to racial equality. We have been on that past for nearly two decades without any reduction in inequality.

I am not familiar witfh TrustED. I got a comment on my new Facebook page from Todd Kominiak, the managing editor, pointing out that TrustED is not EdTrust. So there. My apologies. I am reposting to clear up the mixup. I have learned over many years that the best way to deal with a mistake is to own it and correct it.

The post called me the “most overtly political” person on the list.

That is true.

Let me explain.

If you don’t like bad policies, you have to become political.

If you want change, you have to become political.

If you don’t like decisions made by the U.S. Department of Education or your state legislature, you have to be political.

If you don’t like the idea of turning Title 1 and special education funding into a honey pot for vouchers, charters, and home schooling, you must be political.

If your governor and legislature want to privatize education and destroy the teaching profession, you must be political.

If you want to protect children, teachers, and public schools from profiteering predators, you must be political.

I confess.

I am overtly political.

It is a strange role for a scholar and a historian. I am supposed to observe.

But when you observe malfeasance, fraud, lies, propaganda, corruption, and error, you can’t stand by as a detached observer. You just can’t.

You have to get political, get up, act, raise your voice, fight for what you believe in.

That’s why I am political.