Please indulge me. I usually read the New York Times every day, and yesterday I could not resist juxtaposing two interesting and weird stories.

This one is a Ripley “Believe It or Not” story about a woman born to a royal family in Burma who was a cross-dresser and left her family to become a warlord and major drug runner, commanding her own private army.

Then there was a story about the Texas State Senate’s determination to pass a law prohibiting transgender people from using the bathroom of his/her choice. Led by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the Rush Limbaugh of Texas, the state senate is ignoring what happened to North Carolina when it passed a similar bill. Major events were canceled, and corporations suspended their plans to expand. Texas has been warned, but the crazies in the senate are hell-bent on keeping transgender people out of the ladies’ rooms. They haven’t expressed concern about the mens’ bathrooms. And they have not brought forward their plan to enforce this law. Will they require everyone to carry a replica of their birth certificate? Will they post a guard at every public restroom, in every school, every airport, every movie theater, every hotel, to check birth certificates?

So this leads me to the question: Which bathroom would Burmese drug runner Olive Yang use if Dan Patrick gets his way and passes his bathroom bill?

And how many major corporations will leave Texas until the bill is withdrawn?

And what are the chances that Republican Speaker of the House Joe Straus will let whacko Dan Patrick have his way?