Can anyone spell “conflict of interest”? Has anyone at the Department of Education ever heard the term?

Betsy Devos just selected the CEO of a corporation collecting student loans to police the collection of student loans.

The strange thing is that the Education Department forgot to mention this interesting fact when his appointment was announced, and it was removed from his resume.

Whose side will he be on–the industry or the students?

When the Trump administration announced its pick to run the $1.3 trillion federal student loan system on Tuesday, there was one notable thing about the candidate that wasn’t mentioned in the press release: he’s the CEO of a private student loan company.

The Education Department’s statement described A. Wayne Johnson as the “Founder, Chairman and former CEO” of a payments technology company called First Performance Corporation. It noted his Ph.D. in education leadership, and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, citing his dissertation, said he “actually wrote the book on student loan debt.”

But what wasn’t noted was Johnson is currently the CEO of Reunion Student Loan Services, a detail confirmed by a company representative reached by phone on Tuesday afternoon. Reunion originates and services private student loans, and offers refinancing and consolidation for existing loans.

The Education Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

I suppose this is another rebuke to the writer of the strange article in the New York Times who claimed that DeVos was making “surprising” appointments of people who are not as far right as she is. One alleged surprise was that she chose a gay woman to lead the Office of Civil Rights, which isn’t so surprising when you realize, that Candace Jackson may be gay but she opposes affirmative action and feminism, like DeVos and is content to see OCR reduce its civil rights activism. The other “surprise” choice was Jason Botell, who ran a KIPP charter school and advised Trump on education during the campaign. Why is running a charter school somehow a surprising choice for a charter zealot like DeVos. Now she has chosen an industry insider to police the industry. Is that also a surprise to the New York Times?