Happily, the New York Times published an article saying that children need to move more. There is actual scientific research proving that immobility is not healthy. It is not healthy for adults but especially not for children, whose bodies are growing.

Some nations, like Finland, realized this a long time ago, so students have recess and outdoor play after every class. Recess! Time to go outside and run and play! The authorities think this is good for the children.

Back in the olden times, most American schools had recess a few times a day, at least once or twice, anyway.

But over the past two decades, the need to raise standardized test scores has dwarfed the importance of movement and play. Test scores are the purpose of schooling, right?

The article includes several references to Apps and videos so that teachers will know how children should move. That’s in case you don’t know or forgot children move.

The Finns have another approach. No videos. No Apps. They open the school doors and let the children go outside, where there is playground equipment. Without any direction, children move all by themselves.