This is unbelievable but true.

Last night, I posted a comment from a teacher about the P—C test. When I looked at my email this morning, a reader asked me what happened to the post. It was gone.
I am reposting the content here. I hope it is not removed by anonymous.

From a reader:


“Remember, copyright protects only words, not ideas. PARCC may be able to find DMCA complaints related to the question text, but DMCA cannot apply to the statement of facts.

“For example:

“The PARCC asked students to read texts far beyond any reasonable expectation of their abilities. These included the poem “The Mountains” by Margan Dutton, which draws on the philosophy of Plato, and an article for Scottish mountaineers about how dialing 999 for an ambulance in climbing accidents causes logistical problems. 4th grade students also read a selection from a book about sharks advertised by Scholastic as having a Lexile score appropriate for 7th grade and being of interest primarily to high school students.
“And there’s not a blessed thing the DMCA can do for them, because they don’t own the copyright to those words. They also can’t hunt me down through my district, because I don’t teach in the US and never signed any confidentiality agreement.”