Peter Greene asks a simple, logical question: why are the Common Core standards written in stone? “Not just stone, but stone mounted in cement crazy-glued to bedrock all sealed in amber.”

The Common Core standards are copyrighted. “…if you want to use them, you must do so as is, with not a single change. States may add up to 15% on top of what’s there, but they may not rewrite the CCSS in any way, shape, form, jot, tittle, or squib. States cannot adjust the standards a little to suit themselves. They cannot adapt them to fit local needs. They can’t touch them.”

Even more astonishingly, there is no process for revision or appeal.

In every field of activity “It is taken as an article of faith that any set of plans and policies will contain problems that will come to light after implementation, and there must be a method for course correction. Plus, a robust system must have a means of adjusting to new realities.

“Every system includes measures for adjusting and changing and correcting. School district strategic plans have processes in place for review and revision. IEPs for students have multiple methods for evaluating and adjusting process….Heck, the damn Constitution of the United States of America has a provision for proposing and implementing corrections and changes.

He adds:

“If you found what you considered to be a terrible mistake in the CCSS, there is no place you can call, no office you can contact, no form you can fill out, no appeal process you can appeal to, no meeting of the board you can attend to submit your comment, no set of representatives you can contact with your concern. There is nothing. The CCSS cannot be changed.”

Fortunately, there is no Common Core police to follow up and make sure that every state and district is doing exactly what the CC says they must at every minute. If a state or district actually makes changes, who will stop them? That would be an interesting case that is never likely to happen. If a high school teacher violates the CC mandates about what proportion of the course should be fiction and what proportion should be informational text, who will know? Will the principal stand outside the teacher’s classroom with a stopwatch? Who will be the timekeeper? Who will keep records for all teachers in all subjects? Will teachers get rated ineffective if they teach too much or too little fiction?

Did anyone think this through?