Arne Duncan and Barack Obama have this unbelievably incredible idea: grade teachers’ colleges by the test scores of the students taught by their graduates. Got that? It’s a stretch but where our Secretary of Education is involved there is no time or place where test scores don’t matter more than anything else. He loves test so much that I wish he would take the new SAT and publish his scores. Or how about if he took the 8th grade NAEP math test and published his scores. No one–no one–loves standardized tests more than Arne.

Bruce Baker, our pre-eminent manure detector, ran a simulation to test Arne’s latest goofy idea.

If n education school wants to get a high rating in New Zjersey, where should they send their graduates? Which districts should they avoid?

Here is his advice for those seeking to please the Secretary, the man who would be king:

“It’s pretty simple – New Jersey colleges of education would be wise to get their graduates placements in schools that are:

20% of fewer free lunch (to achieve good math gains)
5% or lower black (to achieve good math gains)
11% or lower free lunch (to achieve good LAL gains)
2% or lower black ( to achieve good LAL gains)

Now, the schools NJ colleges of ed should avoid (for placing their grads) are those that are:

over 50% free lunch
over 30% black”

Pretty smart incentives, Mr. Secretary.

Help the haves, hurt the have-nots.