In Indiana, new legislation would offer vouchers to children who never attended a public school. This eliminates the fiction that vouchers are going to “save children from failing schools.”

This is a message from Julian Smith in Induana. He offers a sample letter. Or, write your own.

Subject: Fwd: Two Minute Task #8 HB 1003 Vouchers

As you are probably aware, HB1003 will be coming to the Senate floor for a vote next week.

This is a battle we can and must win. These guys may want a reason to vote no, and blitzing them with a compelling thought may make a difference if we do this together, share with others, and ask them to do the same. The contacts, meetings, and emails have already had positive effects. Let’s keep the pressure on right up to the vote.

Feel free to copy and paste if you’d like, but please make sure they hear from you and anyone you know that has an interest in saving our public schools. It may be more effective to copy/paste to each senator individually, so they don’t see a big group of senators in the address line and realize that they have been targeted.


Dear Senator ____________________,

I’m writing because I oppose HB1003 and the further expansion of the voucher program. If enacted it will have serious negative effects for public schools. I would remind you that the way this was originally packaged and promoted to the Senate was with the understanding that “public schools would have the first shot”, Gov. Daniel’s words, and as a savings to the state. Offering vouchers to children that have never been counted in public schools amounts to a new expense to the state and reduces dollars available to already struggling to catch up traditional public schools.

We have yet to establish whether or not the program is producing any benefit, as some students initially utilizing a voucher have returned to a traditional public school. Accelerating the program at this point does not make sense. Let’s slow down and first evaluate the program we now have in place.

Thank you,

(Sign your name)

Click send

Copy/ Paste/Repeat

Senator Grooms has already gone on record as opposed. You might send him a quick thank you to help insure he doesn’t have a change of heart.