I received a comment from a teacher of children with high needs. The teacher writes about the challenges she or he faces every single day and the small victories achieved when a child is able to understand expectations or accomplish a limited task. Yet no matter how demanding the job, the teacher will be judged by the students’  test scores. The teacher will be held accountable to meet goals set by politicians who have no concept of the situation and who would not survive a day in this teacher’s classroom.

The teacher wonders: How do we get these politicians to stop acting as our superiors? This question suggests other questions: How dare the politicians pretend that they know more than teachers who do the work? How do teachers regain their professional autonomy? Who will want to teach in the future under these conditions? Will we ever be free of their harmful intrusions? What makes them think they are improving education when they impose so many harmful policies?

I love how you think! I just started reading your blogs and have learned a lot from them. I teach the severely handicapped and our day’s progress (miracles) might be getting a kid to look at me, to get to the potty before an accident occurs, or having a student respond appropriately to greetings. Now I’m told that their test scores will be used to grade me! Nothing on the Florida Alternative Assessment tests these skills. These wacko politicians have no clue what is involved in teaching at these center schools. It cannot be tested on the FAA. Further, i-observations that are being required by many districts in Fl have many good teachers becoming “needs improving” teachers. I fear our future. How can teachers control their own profession like doctors and lawyers and get these politicians out of the schools? Just wondering!

For this teacher, every piece of evidence that a child makes a connection is a miracle. Progress is slow, sometimes glacial. What standardized test will reflect these miracles? What measure will validate the teacher’s daily work? Which of the politicians who now determine the teacher’s value could do what he or she does every day?
