It’s been a bad week for the Trump family, with Mueller doggedly closing in and a guilty plea from Michael Cohen, an immunity deal with the Trump Organization’s Chief Financial Officer and the publisher of the National Enquirer, and of course the guilty verdict for campaign manager Paul Manafort on eight counts. I wonder if Trump wishes he had never run for president.

Now starts the next Manafort trial.

The Washington Post writes:

“The Paul Manafort trial set for September in Washington is expected to last three weeks and, on the basis of a list of 1,500 possible exhibits, will delve far more deeply into how he operated as a lobbyist and consultant than was done in his ­just-completed trial in Virginia.

“The estimated trial timeline and exhibits were included in a joint filing Friday night in federal court in Washington by Manafort’s defense and prosecutors with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.
The required filing is a road map of the next trial facing President Trump’s former campaign chairman, convicted Tuesday in federal court in Alexandria on eight of 18 tax- and bank-fraud charges after a trial that focused on Manafort’s finances.

“Manafort’s trial in the District, set to begin Sept. 17, will cover much of the same ground but will scrutinize more closely his political work from 2006 to 2017, during which he allegedly reaped $30 million as a consultant for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine.

“Manafort, 69, has pleaded not guilty to charges related to his advising of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. In his upcoming trial, the list of prosecution exhibits suggests how Manafort became an architect of Washington’s modern-day influence industry, gaining access to foreign influence and foreign money.

Remember those chants of “drain the swamp” and “lock her up?”

Amend that to “Hire the swamp” and “Lock him up.”