The latest report from the Stanford-based CREDO research group found that online charters deliver a poor education. Students in online charters lose 42 days of reading in a year, and 180 days of instruction in math. Zilch. K12, Inc. is the largest of the online charter chains. It was founded by the Milken brothers, Michael and Lowell. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.



California Teachers Association/NEA December 14, 2015
1705 Murchison Drive
Burlingame, CA 94010

Contacts: Claudia Briggs at 916-296-4087 or Mike Myslinski at 408-921-5769.

Dec. 15 Media Conference Call to Discuss Educators’
Struggle in One of Nation’s Largest Online Charter Schools to Address Major Issues Impacting 15,000 Students
California Educators to Deliver Report Card of Straight Fs
at Dec. 16 Washington, D.C. Shareholders Meeting


***Tuesday, December 15, 2015***


BURLINGAME – More than 750 educators at the Simi Valley-based California Virtual Academies (CAVA) have been seeking a stronger voice in improving working conditions and student learning for 15,000 students. The recent Public Employment Relations Board decision declaring the California Teachers Association as the exclusive bargaining agent comes at a critical time and promises to provide momentum for the teachers’ on-going efforts to make their online school more responsive to the needs of their students.

Concerned CAVA teachers have been calling for improvements at their school for years. In March 2015 they shared their experiences in an in-depth study of CAVA released by the “In the Public Interest” group that called for better oversight of the school. In June they filed complaints with school districts that authorized CAVA charters throughout California in an effort to protect students. Recently, new research from Stanford University and the University of Washington came out reinforcing many of the concerns CAVA teachers have voiced.


WHO: Educators at California’s largest virtual charter school will discuss in a Tuesday, Dec. 15, media conference call why their colleagues plan to deliver a report card with Straight Fs the next day at the annual shareholders meeting in Washington, D.C. of the controversial Virginia-based K12 Inc., a for-profit education company providing management services and curriculum to CAVA.


WHEN: Conference call is at 1 p.m. PST/ 4 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Dec. 15.


SPEAKERS: Eric Heins, president of the California Teachers Association; teachers working to improve California Virtual Academies.


Media should call toll-free 1-888-505-4368 to get on the teleconference. The password code is 4500878.


WASHINGTON, D.C. EVENT: California CAVA teachers will be educating shareholders of K12 Inc. at their annual meeting and will be joined by other concerned supporters. The event starts at 9:30 a.m. EST Wednesday, Dec. 16, at the law offices of Latham & Watkins LLP, 555 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C., 20004.